hand touching grass

Nature: A Solace for All Times, Especially in a Pandemic

The overlong Covid-19 pandemic continues to take its toll on people’s mental health on most people if not all. It could be difficulty finding a job, being stuck in an unhappy home, longing for community, or the fear of getting infected that triggers anxiety and depression. Although some places are slowly emerging from lockdown, the idea of living a what-used-to-be normal lifestyle still seems a bit far-fetched.

For what it’s worth, nature is still there; nature is alive, nature is waiting. And exposure to nature can help cure or at least alleviate negative emotions. No matter our circumstances, nature is free, and we can always find a way to savor it.

Before you start packing your bags and heading out for your unimagined adventure, educate yourself first on the safety protocols. Consider the pros and cons of going by yourself and going with others. The first thing you need to do is to check the rate of corona cases in your target location, see if there are restrictions and if you need to provide proof of your negative Covid-19 test. And then, you’re all set!

Here are some activities that you can quest after while in the middle of these trying times:

Road Trips

Maybe you’d like to escape and find yourself some peace and serenity. Perhaps you long to literally drive your boredom away while you blast your song playlist. Or maybe you’re looking for a reason to drive your new Honda automobile you recently bought. No matter what it is, make sure all the essentials are ready. As much as possible, bring your own food, refrain from stopping over in crowded places, and keep your sanitizers and masks close to you.

Whenever the scene is empty, you can let the windows down and feel that wind on your face! If you have to stay over in a hotel or a lodge, be mindful of its cleanliness and safety. Bladder breaks are unavoidable, so you might want to be choosy in where you take a leak.


Since most campsites are relatively wide and spacious, you don’t necessarily need to wear your masks, but camping tents should be placed within wide proximity as well. It is possible to encounter other campers who, like you, thought of being alone in the middle of this vastness of nature, only to find out that they’re not alone. If this does happen, always keep the distance at least six feet away.

Although camping used to be a way of meeting new friends, this should be the least your priorities. Use this opportunity to marvel at the scenery, watch the stars at night, be on social media hiatus, read a good book, or challenge yourself to learn a new skill (like building a tent or cooking your own food.) Oh, and don’t forget to bring your camera!

outdoor camping


Hiking is a breath of fresh air. Almost the same as camping, you don’t really have to wear a mask in a large open space and when you’re doing a strenuous task like this to avoid negative effects on your health. What’s good about hiking is that it is a form of exercise that can keep those happy hormones flowing in your body. It will also stretch and strengthen your muscles. And just like camping, hiking could also be a way to make new friends, but not this time. Always, always maintain distance from other hikers.

Walking and Jogging

These activities can be done close to where you live. You don’t need any special preparations but you need to take extra precautions. Although one wouldn’t really call any of these an adventure, getting yourself out of bed to get your body moving is still considered an achievement. It can be so tempting and so easy to just lay in bed all day, waiting for the pandemic to end. But we give ourselves and our pets some extra love by simply moving. It is so easy to focus on the negative surrounding us, but we can also choose to see the good. Check your surroundings, find something to appreciate. Look up the sky; it’s free! Check out that tree, and admire how sturdy it is. Not many people find beauty in the mundane.

Planning a day or two to step outside nature can divert our attention from all the worries and cares. Just like how sunset does not look the same every day, nature has a way of giving us something new to look forward to. No matter the circumstances, we will always have nature to run to for solace and comfort.


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