
5 Useful Tips on Acing That Virtual Job Interview

Getting a job means that you have to go through a recruitment process. Some processes are easy but there are some that are not. But one of those processes that we all seem to find difficult is the interview. Job interviews can be stressful for job seekers. They seem to perceive this because it is the “make it or break it” stage.

One nerve-racking aspect of job interviews is meeting up with your interviewers. Talking to them in person can make you feel like you’re being interrogated. But times have changed. Some recruiters are now adopting virtual interviews. This has made some job seekers feel less nervous. Employers also think that this has made the recruitment process faster.


But of course, nothing can change the fact that this is still a job interview regardless of whether it’s virtual or not. This is still the employer’s way to determine if they’re going to hire you. So how can you effectively prepare for a virtual interview?

Here are some tips that you can follow:

Be Prepared

Just like conventional interviews, recruiters will ask you questions. That’s why you should be ready for whatever questions they’ll ask you. The first thing you should do is research information about the company. Some employers find it very important that people who are seeking jobs in their company know things about the company itself. Polish your skills if ever they’ll need you to demonstrate them. Search for the most commonly asked interview questions in job interviews.

You can also look for the most commonly asked interview questions that are specific to the position you’re applying for. Do mock interviews with a friend days before the actual job interview. You can try doing it in a virtual setup too so you’ll get the same vibe as the actual interview. The best thing you can do before a job interview is to always get yourself prepared.

Focus On Your Face

One characteristic of a virtual interview setup is the interviewers see less of you. Unlike traditional in-person interviews, you’re only showing your face in virtual interviews. That’s why you still have to prepare even if the interview will be done remotely. Do things that’ll make you feel confident in facing the recruiters. If you feel like it’s time for you to groom, do it before the interview. Shave your beard if you wish to have a cleanly-shaved face.

You can also trim it if you think that looks nicer for you. Do your braces make you feel conscious? You can get Invisalign aligners installed in your teeth instead. This way, you can feel more comfortable smiling at your interviewers. Your face is going to be the focal point in the interview. You better have it ready too.

Dress Appropriately

The clothes you wear can represent what kind of employee you may be. That’s why you have to avoid dressing up lousily in a job interview. Make sure that you’re dressed appropriately for the event even if it’s only virtual. Collared shirts may do. But if you’re applying for a higher position, you may need to level up your interview wardrobe too.

An elegant suit can make you look dapper. If you’re forgetful, you also have to wear the right pants. There have been incidents where people on Zoom forget that their camera is still on. People stand up and show that they’re wearing pajamas or shorts. You don’t want that to happen in your job interview. Dressing up for an interview only shows that you’re giving importance to the recruiters. So dress up according to what you think is the most appropriate for the interview.

Express Yourself

One purpose of job interviews is to get to know the applicant. Recruiters look into your personality to see what kind of person you are. This is easy to do if you’re in an in-person interview. But it’s a different story when it comes to virtual job interviews. That’s why you have to express yourself so the interviewers could get more from you.

Personality matters in job interviews. This is where recruiters base their assessment on your tendency to be an efficient employee. They also look into your personality to see if you’re right for the company. Or perhaps, check if you’d uphold the company’s values. This is why it’s important to express yourself in the best way possible.

Internet Speed Matters

Since your doing the job interview virtually, the internet needs to be stable. You don’t want to annoy the recruiters when you ask them to repeat the questions since you didn’t hear it because of your poor internet connection. An intermittent connection could also cause recruiters to not understand you. Remember that a job interview is a “make it or break it” moment. You don’t want to get rejected just because of your poor internet connection.

The bottom line is preparation is always the key to ace that job interview. Regardless of the setup, if you present yourself confidently and answer questions perfectly, you’d be able to get that job you’re applying for.

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