dad spending time with family

How to Be a Good Dad: 5 Fun Activities to Bond with Kids

Every father adores his children, making sacrifices such as tea parties with daughters, buying building toys for toddlers, or playing soccer with an 8-year-old is just another day in the life of a super dad. In fact, about 57 percent in a survey claimed that they see parenting as extremely important to their identity. But sadly there isn’t enough time to show that love amidst work and other activities.

However, the relationship between the father and child should be strong and stable where the child feels comfortable discussing any matter with the father and likewise, or else this would surely come back to haunt the father in the future.

It is for this reason that fathers need to spend as much time with their kids as possible and if you don’t have so much time you must make every moment count. So whether you are a father who is always stuck at work or the type that already spends enough time with their kids.

Here are five things you must try if you wish to build a strong relationship with your child:

  • Become their Personal Sports Coach

This works great when your kids are in preschool or elementary. This is not just fantastic because you get to spend time with your child playing but you also get to stay in shape too.

However, you shouldn’t do too much by pushing them to be more competitive, it is okay if they care more about having fun than winning at that age, you should too and just simply support them.

  • Spend Some Time Outside

This could range anywhere from different activities, such as fishing, taking bicycle rides, visiting the park, or even early morning walks. These adventures are a great way to get them to share their thoughts and let you on their thought process as conversations would naturally flow through it.

You can also offer support and counsel during these trips. It’s ok not to have an activity planned out, you both could just go on a simple stroll, this works fine too.

  • Let Them in on the Family Tradition

This helps make them feel like they are part of something bigger. It also instills discipline and respect for the family in them which is a very needed quality, especially in today’s world. It could be simple traditions such as a family game night every Tuesday night or a way of making a particular meal, whatever it is, it helps the child feel closer to the family.

If your family doesn’t happen to have any traditions, no worries, you can simply come up with one, the more unique, the better.

  • Come up With Anything Together

You don’t have to be at the Eiffel Tower in Paris before you can create a memory that your child would remember and cherish for life. You can think up anything to do together such as making a special meal for mom before she gets back or sitting under the skies watching the moon. As you can see, these activities don’t even require that you leave the comfort of your environment.

  • Allow Your Child to Choose

You surely don’t value yourself above your child so during the next father-child bonding time try asking for what they want to do. You should be willing to sacrifice your home for them so whether it is soccer or having tea time then you should enjoy every minute of it.

This makes the child know that you trust and respect their decisions even from a young age. However, be prepared to do more than one thing at once because of how hyper kids can get.

It doesn’t just stop at making money for the family, as a father you have to cherish the time you spend with your children, this is because, with time all that would be left are memories, this is why you have to make sure to create the best ones with your kids while you still can.

According to a recent poll by Gallup poll, 28 percent of people agreed that their fathers had more influence in their lives than their mothers which is higher than the 22 percent of people who felt the same in 1951 when the same poll was conducted.

This change can be attributed to more fathers taking the bold step to connect better with their kids more than they may have experienced which is a good thing. Just remember thatĀ fathers who take the time to truly interact with their kids make a huge difference in their lives.

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