bridal shower

How to Throw a Beautiful Backyard Bridal Shower

Deciding to host a bridal shower in your backyard can seem like the perfect way to enjoy a beautiful summer day with friends and family. However, things can get messy quickly if you’re not careful, which isn’t the impression you want to leave guests with. Here are some ideas for how to host a beautiful backyard bridal shower that won’t take you too much time to plan or execute—and will save you money, too.

Choose the Perfect Date

The worst time to schedule your bridal shower is right after you’ve just gotten engaged. (You’ll be too busy and excited to focus on what matters most.) Instead, set your sights on one to three months ahead of time. That gives you enough time to plan, but not so much that guests may feel forgotten.

Of course, no one can predict when her due date will fall; if you think it will be close to your engagement party date, stick with an early or mid-August shower. Otherwise, shoot for any point during May through September.

Pick the Venue

To ensure your guests are comfortable, plan to host your party during an overcast day when the temps are below 85 degrees. Make sure you pick a space with plenty of shade and seating areas to provide everyone with an enjoyable time.

A pretty outdoor setting such as a garden or gazebo works best, but if it’s too close to your house, you might get some complaints about noise levels. But if you have a venue-worthy backyard, host it in your own home to save money. It will also be much more convenient. Also, avoid blocking any entrances or driveways while choosing your location.

Come Up With the Right Theme

A backyard bridal shower can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. But one thing that’s not up for debate is choosing an appropriate theme. Whether you choose boho, rustic, vintage, or garden-party themes (or mix and match), make sure there’s consistency between your invitation, tableware, decor elements, and overall style.

This keeps things looking stylish and cohesive. You also don’t want to set off different styles if guests arrive early versus late; they should have a similar experience all around. Set up your backyard furniture with a uniform look.

Arrange wooden tables, with baskets filled with colorful napkins and easy-to-set-up centerpieces, in front of armchairs draped with bright blankets. Put some cushions and dress them in pretty outdoor cushion covers, the design depending on your theme. Pick out seats according to how many people you expect—you may need more than you initially think! And be sure to leave enough space for people to mingle.

classy tableware

Organize Your Tableware

If you want to make sure your shower is picture-perfect, you’ll need to get some tableware. If you don’t have enough plates, napkins, and silverware at home, head to IKEA or Target (for instance) and pick up whatever you think might come in handy—plates, cutlery, cups, glasses. Avoid store-bought partyware that’s so flimsy that it won’t hold food on its own: real cooked dishes will make your guests feel special. Make sure the food fits your theme too!

Serve Great Food

When you’re planning any kind of party, food is always key. Don’t skimp on delicious snacks and drinks for your guests if you want your bridal shower to be successful. From punch bowls to finger sandwiches, there are plenty of ways you can make your backyard extra-special for visitors. And if hosting a big event sounds like too much work? Relax and have a few friends pitch in with setup and cleanup duties so that all you have to do is chill out with friends!

Keep Guests Entertained

From backyard games to DIY photo booths, there are all sorts of ways to keep your guests entertained before and during your shower. You can have one side of your party be grown up with more traditional activities while encouraging everyone else to join in on more fun festivities like lawn bowling or water balloon tosses. Make sure that everyone knows how much you appreciate their support by treating them to a special gift as they arrive (like personalized wine glasses).

Having a backyard party for your friend’s bridal shower is one of many ways to celebrate her special day. Hosting it outdoors means you can choose from a variety of activities and fun food and enjoy more time outside with your friends on such a beautiful, warm day. Planning and hosting an outdoor bridal shower should be a breeze with these tips.

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