Men get affected by stress in more ways than one. Firstly, they have work responsibilities to attend to. Additionally, you will find men unable to express their emotions, making matters worse. The pent-up feelings and the lack of self-care often lead to heart ailments, blood pressure issues, cholesterol, and cancer.
If you compare the figures, women have a much lower risk of getting those diseases. Women tend to be more self-caring in nature and can express emotions well, contrary to most men resorting to drinking and smoking to alleviate their pain. Some even take drugs as it gives them a quick escape from reality.
However, there are other ways to get relief and unwind. Find out some top ways men can unwind without giving in to addiction.
Have a Cup of Green Tea
Replace all those liquor bottles at your home bar with green tea. It is far more de-stressing and therapeutic than spirits. Green contains L-theanine, which has a similar effect on the brain as alcohol. It has the power to boost neurotransmitters. The result is a reduction in stress and anxiety levels. Moreover, it has been shown time and again to promote good sleep. You can have green tea warm or chilled; it is your choice.
Head to the Dentist
You should stop and head to the right person if you have been gorging on French fries, starters, and alcohol due to stress and anxiety. Your oral health might require some rejig. Those who have alcohol addiction problems have excess plaque in their teeth. Moreover, they are prone to tooth loss. Most alcoholic drinks contain chromogens that seem to discolor the teeth.
Some of you might have the habit of drinking colored soda with alcohol. You should refrain from that as it can also stain your teeth. You can opt for scaling and smile makeovers to remove the plaque and stain. Additionally, you can get your teeth repositioned through orthodontic treatments, which can be done in a few sittings. Once you have that perfect smile, your quality of life improves.
Indulge in Extracurricular Activities
You should ensure to go back to your hobbies. Once we enter the workforce, we tend to forget or compromise. It’s time you go back and start practicing them again. They can include kite flying, painting, mandala art, or games. When you start practicing such hobbies, you tend to meet your old buddies in mid-career. It helps to relive the old days. Moreover, you can discover a lot of happiness together, just like in the old days.
Watch a Movie Alone
Whoever says that it is boring to watch a movie alone is entirely wrong. It is a false notion that you cannot be happy with yourself. When you go out with others, you cannot be yourself. Moreover, there will be five different personalities you have to match with. However, it is good for your mental well-being when you go out alone. You can act yourself without pretension. Watching movies is an act of distraction that can aid your mental health. The right films alone can recharge your brain.
You should also think better and derive some positive morals from the story. It will be a lot better if you abstain from action, horror, or the thriller genre. You must watch something light like musicals because they can de-stress you to the core. So the next time someone stops you from going to the movies alone, ignore them and leave with some popcorn in hand.
Start Writing

When you are unhappy and stressed, you should put the stress factors on paper. That is when you will get some creative solutions. Furthermore, it tends to make you lighter. You can just scribble at times if diary writing bores you. Better still, in this digital age, you can start typing the words on your computer. You should be able to draw out all the irrelevant stuff in this manner. In doing so, you might suddenly feel that there is no pain or stress left in your mind.
Start Gardening
Plants can benefit you in more ways than one. The color green has a positive effect on the mind. If you simply look at the flowers and leaves, you will feel a certain calmness overtaking your brain and mind. It also tends to lower blood pressure levels and anxiety. When you care for the plants, you discover their myriad traits, which might give you some inspiration to hang on to dear life. Take the example of the cactus. It has thorns outside and water stored inside. This is one plant you will find in the driest corners of the world. You can learn about resilience and self-sufficiency from this prickly plant.
These are a few ways you can unwind without having to depend on alcohol or cigarettes. Make these a part of your life today, and you can spice up your daily routine without putting your health in jeopardy.