
Pointers for Any Brit Who Desires to Move to Germany

With amazing healthcare, numerous tourist attractions, plenty of jobs, and a lower cost of living than other countries in Europe, you have every reason to pack your bags and move to Germany.

But before you do that, you need to remember a couple of things, especially since the UK is about to leave the European Union. Here’s how to move to Das Land der Dichter und Denker with ease:

1. Do It As Soon As You Can

There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is Brexit. Although the UK and the EU already have a withdrawal agreement, the transition period will eventually end on 31 December 2020. Until then, you can still enter Germany without getting a work visa.

Second, the German government is currently easing its restrictions for UK nationals who wish to travel to the country. This one can change fast, depending on the progress of the coronavirus pandemic.

Third, it still takes a while to get a job. Although work is abundant in the country, you will have to face some fierce competition. Further, you have fourteen days after your arrival to register yourself in your address. (You might have to update it every time you move or after the transition period ends.)

Lastly, you need to secure a temporary residence permit so you can settle properly. The processing time can be as long as three weeks.

2. Consult a Removal Company

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You have many options for your belongings: sell them, throw them, or donate them. You can also put everything you want to carry to Germany in your vehicle or make the process smoother and faster by hiring a removal company.

To select the right team to work with, consider these pointers:

  • Make sure they can travel across Europe – Not all removal businesses can do that. The last thing you want to happen is for a company to leave your possessions at the border.
  • Find a company that provides a variety of services – Some removal teams also offer storage, which is ideal when you’re moving to another country. You will have time to look for a space to accommodate all your possessions.
  • Get a team that has safety in mind – We’re living in pandemic times, and some studies suggest that the virus can live on surfaces for an extended period. Look for a removal company that disinfects regularly and protects its workers.

3. Learn the Language

Contrary to popular belief, many Germans speak English. In some places, their locals can do it fluently. The country ranked among the top 10 nations with high English proficiency in 2019.

However, English is not its official language. Moreover, over 95% of the population speak it compared to only 56% who know the English language well.

In other words, it pays to know how to speak in German. This skill will also help you land a job faster since you don’t need to bring an interpreter. It will also be easy for you to settle into your new workplace.

4. Know the Differences in Culture

It would help if you also prepared for the difference in social and workplace culture. For example, don’t expect that your colleagues will take you to a night out on your first day. Germans don’t enjoy hanging out after work. Instead, they prefer to go home and spend it with their family.

Some Germans are also stoic and strive for perfectionism, so they want you to work as hard as you can as soon as you step into the office.

Germany is ready to welcome you with open arms, but you need to be prepared, too. These tips will help you move out of the UK fast and live in your new home conveniently.

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