Female trying on wedding dress in a shop with women assistant

Bridal Beauty: Glam Moves to Get You Ready on Your Big Day

Despite being busy with dress fittings and supplier meetings, you should never forget your bridal beauty routine. Not only because you want to be that glowing, radiant bride because that’s already a given. But more so because you know that self-care is crucial, especially at this time. For sure, the pressure of getting everything ready for your big day is already taking a toll on you, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. Even in your busy schedule, squeeze in time for pampering and taking care of yourself. Here’s a self-care regimen, from head to toe that you yourself can follow:

On Hair

Unfortunately, most of the habits women do every day are damaging to the hair. Washing with shampoo, blow-drying, and heat-styling every day results in dry, knotty locks, riddled with split ends. As much as possible, avoid these routines. Use shampoo every other day, but apply a conditioner daily. Let it dry on its own. If you need to blow dry, keep it in the cool setting. Get started on repairing the hair damage, as well. Visit the salon and have a trim. It’s also wise to have a pampering scalp massage and deep conditioning treatment at least a month before the big day. This stimulates hair follicles, and therefore enhances the volume of your locks. Keep an eye on your diet, too. Consume food filled with vitamin B, like fish and eggs, to channel your hair’s natural shine.

On Face

Woman caring of her beautiful skin on the face standing near mirror in the bathroom

This perhaps gets the most self-care. After all, you need to have the most beautiful canvas for your makeup, right? It’s best if you can go to your dermatologist first so you can get an expert opinion on what to do to banish pimples and prevent it from coming back. Usually, they recommend retinol creams or ointments. As for your everyday maintenance regimen, don’t forget the trio of skincare: cleanser-toner-moisturizer. If you’ll be outdoors for a long time, protect your skin from the sun with sunscreen. Reapply it every two hours. As for the aesthetic treatments, go in for a facial every month. Also, consider getting laser hair removal. Salt Lake City beauty gurus say that losing the mustache, sideburns, and the stubborn stray hairs on eyebrows can give a neat look for your make-up on the big day.

On Body

Speaking of laser hair removal, don’t forget all the parts neck down. The underarms, legs, stomach, and of course, down there at your delicate area (you wouldn’t want a hairy, messy situation on your wedding night, of course). A lot of med spas today already offer painless treatments, so you don’t need to worry about pricks or piercing sensations. Of course, it’s also important to hit the gym. If you can do it every day, that’s great. If that’s not possible because you’re already dragging yourself from one meeting with a vendor to another, at least try to work out three times a week. It’s best if you can get a personal trainer so you can stick better to your regimen. As for your skin, exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. Treat yourself to a body scrub every weekend.

In all these things, keep the stress away. That’s the best beauty ritual you can do for yourself. Meditate. Breakaway from brewing fights with your fiancé. Keep calm. Best wishes!

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