Prefabricated Homes

COVID-19 Living: Top Benefits of Prefabricated Homes

As the pandemic pounds America, construction may not have totally stopped. But the virus has definitely slowed projects down. Indeed, as supply chains are severely limited, problems are piling up in the construction industry. Many have placed their work on hold, to be continued at a later unknown date. Moreover, the industry’s constant battle to comply with social distancing, the limitations of people onsite, and the use of PPE( personal protective equipment), has made construction work an act that’s getting tougher by the day.

All this can certainly put a huge dent in your plans to own a home. Right? Well, not quite. A newfound solution has come to light amidst the crisis: a prefabricated home. Examining the merits of a made-up home can be the most favorable move for you. It can translate to more dollars saved and less time wasted. In short, it’s a treasure trove.

The Right Solution at the Right Time

A prefab home requires less time to build. And that means you won’t need an army to build one. Plus, you can have one at half the cost of traditional houses. Best of all, you can use the building in no time.

It’s as efficient as you want it to be. And truth be told, the experts agree. Brian Poage, key executive for project management software builder Raken and former WeWork construction manager, affirms that the pandemic spiked interest in prefab houses.

The big challenges in productivity and efficiency has the construction industry adjusting to potential solutions for all the wasted time. Due to this ongoing pandemic, contractors are trying to find a way to adjust to the new normal that is not going away anytime soon. And a prefabricated home just might do the trick.

As for wannabe-home owners, a prefabricated home plays an important role in his quest for cost-efficient, speedy, and quality living, all the while avoiding unnecessary interaction with people and the intensified safety protocols on offsite productions as much as possible.

Plus, once the construction is done you can just ship it through your trusted oversized load trucks or haulers. These haulers are designed to carry the extra weight. It’s a win-win situation for everybody. It’s like you just ordered a dream come true.

Less Non- Industrial Waste

The construction industry accumulates one-quarter of all the non-industrial waste in the U.S. Given how vast and massive the country is, it surely is an immense figure. Through time, the manufacturing process is constantly improving.

And prefabricated home builders are stepping up their game. They have developed a more efficient production. Meaning, they can gauge how much materials are required in construction. Thus, less waste is accumulated once the house is done.

Furthermore, since materials are usually kept in storage or factory, it’s more likely that leftovers will be reused.

Shorter Production Time

A prefabricated home requires less time to construct. While waiting for the deconstruction of previously owned buildings, prefabricated home builders make up for your lost time.

Why? Because waiting for both and building your own home can happen all at the same time.

Also, many factors can affect onsite production. Top of the list is the weather. Building a home with bad weather causes delays, making the production time even longer than predicted. With prebuilt homes, there will be no issues on weather delays since it is built indoors. ;

A Prebuilt Home Cost Less

One of the biggest advantages of a prebuilt home is that it cost less. Although there are perceptions of custom-made being pricey, a prefabricated home is an exception. Modular construction is known for targeting the price points and budgets of their clients. Making it more affordable to the mass.

Also, prefabrication manufacturers frequently receive discounts from their suppliers. Resulting in cheaper construction production. This type of production also avoids any possibility of unproductive staff and unreliable contractors.


Far Fewer People On Construction Site

Once the process for constructing your home is decentralized, only a handful of construction workers are allowed on the worksite.

Meaning, not only does it cost less because of a few personnel but it also reduces getting exposure to the COVID-19. On top of that, social distancing is a lot easier to manage. Teams also have more ability to be flexible, and they can modify schedules whenever they see fit, for less congestion.

Because there is less staff involved in the production, there is also less equipment involved. That translates to minimal contact points compared to traditional construction.

A Much Safer and Efficient Production Environment

As it says, a prefabricated home is assembled and fabricated offsite. It is built in a different or separate environment away from where it’s destined to be placed.

Instead of having a direct worksite where the risks of infection could multiply, prefab production is done someplace else, rendering the work a lot safer. Through this, it is easier to monitor and implement the many safety guidelines of the COVID-19 pandemic. All the while maintaining meticulous quality standards of construction.

A quality prebuilt home is constructed and assembled by a very experienced crew while maintaining quality checks during the process. Add the accurate machine equipment used and you know you’re looking at a wonderful home delivered right where you want it.

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