man wearing a suite

7 Different Fashion Styles of Men According to Experts

Being a fashionable man entails more than just wearing the proper clothing. It’s a way of thinking, a way of being, and how you show the world who you are. There are ten different sorts of fashionable men, and not knowing which one you are might make you lose your confidence.

You might feel stuffy and secluded if you are outgoing and trendy but dress modestly. You might appear obnoxious and unprofessional if you dress conservatively and traditionally in flashy attire.

In this article, you’ll learn about the different fashion styles of men.

The Jet-setter

The jet-setter is into comfort, fashion, and function all in one. A jet-setting man is willing to pay a bit more for his clothes. He wants to perform clothing.

When he buys a jacket, he will pick those made from 100 percent wool. He will choose the good properties and durability of the wool. And he will pick clothing that will look great when he gets off an airplane.

When you travel a lot and meet many people, people will check on your fashion style and clothing. So you want to dress sharp. You should know that your clothing sends a message. Be willing to pay for a good fashion that has comfort and function.

A jet-setter knows how to look good. He knows that being fashionable is more than clothes but includes overall appearance. They focus on their physical appearance more than most. They know the importance of flashing a wonderful smile. They often wear dental implants and braces and visit their dentists religiously to achieve a winning smile.

The Dandy

A man who chooses to wear for himself is known as a dandy. This well-dressed gentleman is concerned about his appearance. He values attention to detail and is willing to pay a premium for it. He wants to know who manufactured his shoes or boutonniere, and he’s willing to pay a premium for it.

A dandy is someone who will be able to answer inquiries about various items or trends out of all the numerous types of stylish men.

man wearing smart casual clothes

The Rugged

Clothing for a rugged man is functional, durable, and manly. It’s practical—it can withstand manual effort. Their clothing can withstand different scenarios like fixing a car, saving lives, and other hazardous events.

It is common for a rugged man to wear work boots. It is because it is one of the safest shoes around.

The Rock Star

To achieve a rock star style, you must have a lot of confidence. Be unconventional, and do not be afraid of catching attention. Commonly, you can see a rock star with boots, blue jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket. But that’s not just it.

A man with a rock star style is not afraid to dress and stand out. He knows what’s good for him and has the confidence to wear those clothes as a rock star.

To achieve that confidence level, practice wearing your desired clothes at home to build up that confidence when you go out with them because you should know that you will draw a lot of attention.

The Classic

Having a classic style also means that your wardrobe is full of timeless clothing. Meaning it has a good quality. The classic will never go out of style, no matter the time.

Wearing these classic clothes, you should be able to look at your picture ten years from now and still look great. Invest in high-quality items. Spend hundreds of dollars for a good pair of shoes, or a suit, because you know that you will get a lot out of it.

Classic style is different from retro style or vintage outfits like the 1950s.

The Street Smart

A street-smart style is being into the brands. But it doesn’t mean that you should follow trends. You are going to make trends using your fashion. You tend to show success with your image. And the street is the best way to show off your style where you can get many audiences.

Taking on a street style means taking being risky. Be bold and show your style. You can experiment and throw different pieces of clothes together to create your style and take note of how your audience will react to it.

Street style has a significant influence, especially these days. Add photography to your fashion and show it off through your social media accounts and pages.

The Playboy

The playboy style sometimes comes off as an alpha style. If you appear to be in command and people address you as sir, you seem to be in a power position, even if you aren’t. You have such a high social position, making you appear more appealing to men and women.

So which one are you from these types of stylish men? If you haven’t found yourself in one, you can create your style. These are just guides to help you decide on your fashion style.

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