hvac system during winter

Five HVAC Problems that Occur During Winter

You will soon turn on your HVAC unit since winter is around the corner. Nothing beats the feeling of coming home to a warm environment when the temperatures begin to drop. As such, most people prepare their HVAC units for winter because the last thing you want is a faulty heating system.

Unfortunately, the harsh weather conditions during the winter months put your heating and cooling system in Modesto, California at risk of problems. Fortunately, some of the issues people see in heating and cooling systems during winter can be avoided by learning about them. You should familiarize yourself with the possible winter HVAC issues so that you can avoid them and keep your home warm and comfortable.

Restricted airflow

If you have noticed that one room in your house is colder than the others, then you have an issue with airflow. Also, you can realize this problem when the airflow in your home is not as strong as it should be in the past. You need to inspect the vents to make sure that they are not blocked by objects such as furniture. Also, make sure that all pipes are connected to the air supply vents. Restricted airflow is a typical winter HVAC issue that is caused by blocked fans, problems with the filter or furnace motor, obstructed vents, and dirty air ducts.

Frozen pipes

These are a leading HVAC winter problem. Ice builds up on pipes and coils when the temperatures plunge. As such, pipes freeze and stop functioning entirely. Hydraulic hot water systems usually become faulty when water stops flowing through pipes when they freeze. It can be more than frustrating in winter when you need hot water the most. It can also burst pipes, which results in significant repair costs. You need a professional to repair your heating and cooling system.

Cycling heat

turning nob of heater system

When a heater turns on and off frequently, it can be an indication of trouble. It regularly wastes energy and causes unnecessary wear and tear to the HVAC parts. You need to hire an HVAC technician to inspect the unit and fix the issue as soon as possible. Also, a faulty thermostat causes a heater to turn on and off frequently.

Faulty heat pumps

Some people depend on warmth from exterior heat pumps. However, icy and snowfalls damage heat pumps, which affects their effectiveness. Heat pumps are prone to coil blockage and broken fan motors. However, most heat pumps are unable to defrost during the winter months. Make sure that your heat pump has automatic defrost settings during winter so that it can avoid the buildup of ice. Hire a professional if the configuration is broken to prevent the loss of heat.

Carbon monoxide leaks

It is a common HVAC issue during the winter months. Carbon monoxide can be a silent killer, mainly because it is odorless and colorless, which makes it hardly noticeable. You need a professional to install a carbon monoxide monitor or detector before winter sets in to be safe. Also, the technician should check the levels of carbon monoxide in your home.

Contact a professional if any of these problems sound familiar. You can avoid these HVAC winter problems by regularly cleaning filters and maintaining the unit. Avoid fixing the heating and cooling problems without the help of an HVAC technician.

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