Getting Fit in the New Decade – Health Trends Men Can Expect in 2021

There’s no denying that the ongoing pandemic has changed all aspects of how people live—from the way we work, exercise, eat, drink, and socialize. After an unusual year where everything seems to worsen, it had a detrimental impact on people’s overall health well-being. That’s why this year, many are determined to get all these two back to their optimum levels.

Technology will undoubtedly continue to influence people to approach and monitor a healthy lifestyle, but what can men expect to come this January and the subsequent months?   Here are the top men’s health and wellness trends that you should look out for in 2021.

IV Therapy

IV infusion therapies are the fastest way to administer medications, blood products, and nutrition boosters like vitamins into a person’s bloodstream, helping with several health conditions, dehydration, and blood transfusions. It’s one health trend you can expect to grow more in the future as more people get used to getting fast and convenient results, with IV vitamin treatments helping individuals fight exhaustion and boost the immune system.

Return of Personal Trainers

While tech companies advocate their products to be for everyone, they lack the ‘human’ touch. That’s why, in a world full of technology, with virtual sessions becoming more prevalent last year, a health trend you can expect to come back is old-fashion person-to-person interaction with personal trainers—even if it’s through screens.

There will be a rise in coach-led sessions, whether it’s online or in-person. During the lockdown, the general public had to continue with their fitness by themselves, leading many to realize the coach’s accountability and knowledge is what they need to achieve their goals.

People Will Continue to Make Wellness Decisions Based on “Longevity”

Wellness is currently amid information arms races, making the once biometric gold standard of stepping on a scale no longer sufficient. Tech companies like Google and Apple and rising tracking apps like Strava have allowed people to log in hundreds of hours in exercise data and fitness progression annually. Although this optionality may be intimidating, a widespread acceptance of ‘exercise science’ can help men live healthier lives predicated on longevity instead of mere goal weight for the summer.

After a year of loss and grieving, expect people to adopt more life-extending practices backed by scientists and experts. These include calorie restrictions, being more active, and nurturing the mind.

Feel-Good Grooming

getting a haircut

Although fitness and grooming used to be concepts revolving around vanity, where men only wanted to look good and keep themselves well-groomed to look even better, in 2021, it’s going to reflect the ‘larger’ wellness picture. Experts suggest that more men will begin to groom themselves more to feel good and not just look good. There’s a connection between grooming and wellness as looking good is entwined with one’s self-esteem, which extends to mental health and overall well-being.

That’s why you can expect to see the word ‘wellness’ pop up alongside grooming these days.

VR Takes Over Health Routines

Although remote exercising can do wonders for one’s health, you can make the experience even more efficient and fun by stepping into the virtual realm. This rising health trend lets you unleash your stress on games. With more people staying at home during the ongoing pandemic, tech companies provide people with more access to ‘virtual fitness’ via Virtual Reality (VR) games. For instance, the newest BoxVR game includes combat classes that let you sweat it out with more fun.

Video games can distract the user from the effort they’re exerting, allowing individuals not used to exercising to work up a real sweat. In essence, it makes exercising fun—and it’s only going to grow from here.

Men Will Become More Open About Their Mental Health

In recent years, suicide was revealed to be the single largest ‘killer’ amongst men between ages 20 and 30, shining a spotlight on the need for male mental health support across the world—bringing the topic of men’s mental health to wide-scale campaigns. Historically, men have been hesitant to open up and talk about their ‘internal issues’ to fear its impact on their masculinity. However, as these stigmas begin to break down, there can be a massive surge in men prioritizing their mental health more than ever—and finally, seek professional health when needed.   Nowadays, it can be challenging to predict what will happen tomorrow. However, the latest health trends suggest that people are ready to move on to better and healthier things after the events in 2020, starting the new decade off with a happier and fitter you.

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