Ice on roof and gutters

Have You Prepared Your Gutters for the Winter? Here’s the Only Checklist You Need

Getting a roof ready for the winter season can be a daunting and time-consuming task. However, your effort and time will be worth it when those snows start to fall. Gutters are probably the last thing you think about when the winter season hits.

The reality is, gutter repair and installation can sometimes be a tedious task, but homeowners can work with seamless gutter companies to ensure safety and high-quality work. But it is always imperative to prepare gutters ahead of harsh winter weather. With the weight of ice and snow, sagging and clogged gutters can become damaged and lead to costly home repairs. Here are few suggestions to prepare your home gutters ahead of the winter season.

Clear Debris and Leaves

Debris and leaves often fall on the roof and clog gutters. This may seem like an insignificant issue, but over time, debris and leaves can lead to a more significant crisis such as landscape damage, basement flooding, and soil erosion. Clogged gutters can also cause mosquito infestation. Start with clearing leaves and debris blocking your drains to prepare your roof for winter, and the snow and ice that usually come with it.

Gutters Realignment

The next step to winter-proofing your home is to realign gutters. Misaligned gutters can hold rainwater, which can then turn to ice and result in significant damage down the road. However, adding guards to your drains can ensure proper drainage after a torrential downpour. Guards are also a sure way to keep leaves and other debris from clogging gutters. Guards may cost a bit, but they will save you a lot of hassle and time during winter.

Clear Downspouts and Wash Gutters

roof gutters

After realigning your gutters, the next item on your to-do list should be clearing downspouts and cleaning gutters. Spraying water down your downspouts using a garden hose can help clear excessive debris that may have stuck to the drains. However, the water should hit the ground at least eight feet away from the foundation of your house. Also, take time to scrape your gutters with a brush to keep them clear throughout the winter season.

Gutter Inspection

Finally, inspect gutters for signs of wear and tear. The next step after clearing the drains is conducting a general inspection. Sift through the gutters and seal any cracks to ensure that everything is ready ahead of the cold winter months. Check the condition of the joints and confirm that no fastener is missing or loose. Be sure to attend to any issue with your gutters before it gets out of control.

Preparing gutters for winter can be dangerous and a hassle as well. You can turn to the internet for guidance on maintaining and preparing gutters ahead of winter. However, experts recommend installing gutter guards to prevent the accumulation of leaves and debris that often clog gutters. Gutter guards protect your roof throughout the winter season.

Never take the risk of installing or repairing gutters on your own. Instead, work with a technician experienced in gutter guards cleaning and installation. Never hesitate to call a professional gutter installer when you notice an issue with your gutters. Letting a minor gutter issue go unattended may cause bigger problems later on.

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