man smiling

Listen Up, Guys: Making Your Pad Smell Great

Men can be sloppy and slovenly, and it shows in their living spaces. Other than leaving their socks and underwear lying around, a guy’s bachelor pad may even stink — and that’s not cool, of course! While it may not always be easy to keep your home or condo spotlessly clean, that should not be an excuse to allow it to keep smelling bad.

Thankfully, there are some ways you can make your home smell great again. And the good news is, they are not that complicated (even lazy guys can do it, too). You could even turn these activities into habits.

Below are some of the tips that will help your deodorize your home and make it smell fresh:

Open your windows

Your home or pad may be too enclosed that the air circulating remains in the same space. Whenever possible, let some fresh air in by opening your windows. Doing this will also allow the stagnant air to go out. If the hot weather is the problem, you may turn on an electric fan or an air purifier to keep the space cool. While you are at it, you may choose to wash the curtains or drapery. The smell may be emanating from them.

Wash your fabrics

Speaking of washing, any material that uses a fabric should be washed or cleaned regularly. The couch that you have been sitting in for months may be already teeming with dirt, dust, mites, food stains, and sweat. And the smell may be coming from it — the same thing with carpets, and bedsheets. If you cannot wash them in one go, you may hire a professional cleaner to perform some deep cleaning. Once cleaned, you may find your home smelling fresh again. Also, don’t let your laundry sit for too long in the basket. Wash them immediately and have them dry under the sun.

sunlight in the room

Clean your garbage bin

Your kitchen may be the culprit for that awful smell, so check your kitchen’s garbage bin. The mix of sauces, vegetable refuse, and packaging may be causing that rotten smell in your home. Throw out the garbage and clean the bin well with soap and water. And since you are in the kitchen, you may choose to simmer some herbs and fruit over the stove. The smell of this mixture may waft throughout the house, thus making it smell good.

Spritz some linen or room spray

The house is clean, and the fabrics are all washed. But you may want to make the pad smell much better. Do it by spritzing some Febreze or Lysol. For your blankets, bedsheets, and sofa covers, spray some organic linen spray for that just-out-of-laundry smell. If sprays are not your thing, you can just light up a scented candle.

Keeping your bachelor pad smelling great should not be hard work. It should be a habit. The bottom line is your home will never stink if you always keep it clean. If you think that you’re actually sloppy, maybe it’s time to clean up well.

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