man doing floss

Men’s Oral Health: 10 Tips for Maintaining a Beautiful Smile

Regularity is one of the essential factors in oral health. It’s recommended that men brush their teeth at least twice a day, floss once a day and receive regular professional dental exams (at least every six months). While this seems like a considerable time commitment all at once, breaking down each task into its block throughout the day makes it easier to focus on what needs to be done with less procrastination.

Here are ten helpful hints for helping you keep track of your oral health routine:

man in dental chair

1. Wake Up and Brush!

It might seem like common sense to brush your teeth before breakfast, but statistics show that many people don’t do this. Brushing upon waking is very important because it helps clean away plaque and food particles accumulated overnight. It also allows you to work in a little extra brushing time before breakfast and coffee, so it’s easier to keep up your routine throughout the day.

2. Keep Floss Handy

They are keeping floss available is key for maintaining good oral health because it’s so easy to skip during busy days or when it seems like too much effort. For example, many people run out of floss right after they finally remember their name. Make sure there’s always at least one roll on hand — preferably two — for those just-in-case moments when you can’t get around to restocking.

3. Don’t Forget the Mouthwash

Mouthwash is an essential part of maintaining good oral hygiene. It kills germs and limits the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. Besides, it can help remove food particles you might have missed when brushing your teeth before bed. Be sure to pick a mouthwash that tastes as fresh as it makes you feel, so you’ll want to use it!

4. Fruity Floss? No Way!

Don’t go out and buy a pack of fruit-flavored dental floss just because your dentist says eating healthy means eating more fruits and vegetables. There’s nothing wrong with having a sweet tooth now and then, but remember that sugar increases your risk for cavities by feeding harmful plaque acids.

5. Take Your Vitamins

Specific vitamins and minerals can help reduce your risk of developing oral health problems. For example, vitamin C can strengthen your teeth, while calcium and phosphorus prevent demineralization. Be sure to discuss the proper supplements with a dentist or medical professional before you take them because too much of these vitamins can harm your teeth in some cases.

6. Keep Your Gums in Check

Did you know that dental plaque isn’t the only thing to worry about regarding dental health? Experts estimate that more than 50% of men have gum disease by age 30. This is a serious issue because gum disease can result in tooth loss and even heart problems if left untreated. Now’s a good time to schedule your next dental cleaning appointment! Also, get dental implants to replace any missing teeth and make your smile look its best.

7. Keep Your Teeth White!

It might seem like every other man has pearly white teeth these days, but what do they know that you don’t? Well, many people get their teeth whitened at the dentist or from an over-the-counter product that contains hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. While these products may be effective, it’s important to remember that dental work is a lot more complicated than just scrubbing your teeth with a toothbrush. Make sure to talk to a dental professional before you whiten just in case it damages anything underneath the enamel of your teeth.

8. No More Nasty Cigarette Breath!

This might seem like common sense but if you have been smoking for quite some time, understand that your body will need some time to recover from all the damage caused by cigarettes. If you quit right now, this would also mean quitting cold turkey and potentially damaging your gums and teeth even further. It’s best to slowly wean yourself off cigarettes by cutting back on how many you smoke, and when you do smoke, try to avoid using a smoking accessory that could create dental issues such as pipes or cigars

9. Don’t Go to Bed with Food in Your Mouth

One of the most common causes of dental problems is not caring for your mouth correctly at night before going to bed. If you eat a heavy meal before bed, it will sit on your teeth all night which can cause serious dental problems. Also, if you go to bed after smoking a cigarette, the tar from the cigarette collects around the gum line and causes dental problems.

10. See Your Dentist for More Than Just Teeth!

Your dentist isn’t just there to look at your teeth; dental professionals are trained to find oral problems you might not even be aware of. That’s why it’s important that you visit them regularly, even if you don’t have dental insurance or if money is tight. No matter how healthy your teeth may look right now, things can change quickly without regular oral exams and cleanings!

It is important to maintain dental health because it affects not only your teeth but also the rest of your body. Smoking, drinking coffee or tea, and eating certain foods can be harmful to dental health as well as other parts of the human body.

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