muscle pain

Your Muscle Pain Can Be a Sign of Something Worse

It’s normal to have muscle pain a day or two after a hard workout or strenuous exercise, specifically if you’re increasing your physical activity or beginning a new one. Minor injuries in the muscle fiber and connective tissue usually cause the delayed muscle aches and discomfort.

Muscle soreness that occurs following strenuous exercise goes away on its own after 24 to 48 hours of rest. However, specific pains, especially those that last a long time, may indicate the presence of an underlying illness, and worsening of such may signify a more severe injury.


Fibromyalgia is a rheumatologic disease characterized by widespread muscle discomfort and tenderness, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. You are likely to experience more suffering than average when you have had an emotionally traumatic situation that you can identify before the onset of pain.

It causes distinctive pain on both sides of the lower back and abdominal areas. You will also sense pressure on both sides, above and under your waist, all over your body. When you’re asleep, you may suffer from exhaustion and mental fog, too.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2% of the population or 4 million Americans are affected by Fibromyalgia.


Your immune system cannot regulate its reaction to inflammation while you are stressed out. As a result, the body cannot ward off viruses or diseases as effectively as possible. This will cause aches and pains in the body as it becomes more prone to inflammation and infection.

If you feel that it’s becoming too much of a burden, change your routine as little as possible to reduce the stress. For example, you can do a little meditation every day. Concentrate on your breathing to divert your attention away from the people or activities causing you discomfort.

To avoid triggers, go for a stroll in the park or wherever open spaces are available. Talk with someone you can trust to help you process the stress, anxiety, and other forms that are causing you discomfort.

If you’re having trouble sleeping due to tension and fatigue, use relaxing exercises before bed or take brief naps during the day to recharge your batteries.

woman sleeping

Sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep will harm your physical well-being. Ideally, you should have at least 6 to 8 hours of non-interrupted sleep, with no less than two periods of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

Tissues and cells in the body require enough sleep for you to be stable, and your brain needs it to be alert and rested. Without it, the body cannot relax and regenerate vital energy and systems. This will result in discomfort and tension in your body and muscles.

Consuming hot tea or some other hot beverage before bed can help with relaxation. Meditative practice such as yoga and listening to classical music or a podcast can also help calm your nerves down. A high-quality mattress from a reputable store relieves pressure points on the body and is ideal for getting a good night’s sleep.


Often called Rhabdo, this is a rare condition in which the muscle tissue itself breaks down and releases the protein myoglobin into the bloodstream, potentially causing kidney damage.

Rhabdomyolysis is most common in endurance athletes, firefighters, military personnel, and older adults who can’t get up after a fall for a prolonged period. It may also be caused by specific treatments, illegal drugs, muscle damage, extreme exhaustion, or overheating. This unusual disease involves muscle pain, fatigue, and swelling due to a deterioration of muscle tissues.

It can be fatal, so contact the doctor or get emergency care immediately, especially if symptoms persist.


Muscle pain and fatigue are some of the most frequent early signs of COVID-19, along with fever, cough, and sore throat. The more serious the infection is, the longer these muscle symptoms can last.

It impacts individuals differently, with the majority experiencing mild to moderate illness and usually recovers without the need for hospitalization. On average, signs appear five to six days after a person is exposed to the virus, but they can last up to 14 days.

However, if you are experiencing severe symptoms, seek medical help right away.

It’s important to note that these should not be used for self-diagnosis. Muscle aches and pains affect almost everyone at some point. To relieve pain, you can relax, stretch, and use medications. If you have ongoing or long-term muscle pain, you can find it difficult to do activities you enjoy. It’s important to note that several diseases can cause chronic pain, so please speak to a healthcare provider for treatments that can benefit.

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