man at the gym

Fitness During the Pandemic: Searching for the Right Gym

Ever since the pandemic started, health experts have always advised people to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary for strengthening your immune system, which is your first defense against the coronavirus. Unfortunately, the pandemic is also to blame for people’s lack of interest in keeping fit. According to a Times magazine report, people exercise less because they spend most of their time glued to their screens. If you’ve spent most of your time that way, too, but have finally decided to start being active, then good for you!

The best way to stay committed to your fitness journey is to sign up for a membership at a gym. They offer workout options that you can’t have at home. A personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals if you work out in a gym. You can diversify your exercise routine with their strength training and cardio equipment. You can even attend fitness classes, meet other people, and share your pandemic experiences.

Regardless of what you can take out of a gym membership, you consider some key factors when finding a new workout facility. You will invest your energy, time, and money in a gym, making it even more important to choose the right one.

In today’s article, learn how to choose the right gym that will help you in your fitness journey and keep you safe against the risk of COVID-19. There should be more to a gym than just having the right equipment and personal trainers for its clients.

Safety and Cleanliness

Of course, safety and cleanliness should be your priority when looking for the right gym. Gyms are germ factories; all equipment is touched, and surfaces are exposed.

The right gym should have a professional cleaning crew that maintains cleanliness and sanitation at least once a day. Employees, on the other hand, must keep equipment sanitized after each use. Exercise mats, benches, and other seating options must be cleaned, too.

Aside from sanitation, it’s also essential for any gym to follow health protocols. It shouldn’t be crowded. There should be hand-sanitation stations.

A safe gym should also have equipment that works properly. There’s nothing more frustrating at a gym than wanting to use a piece of equipment but finding out you can’t because it’s broken. You’ll have to report it to an employee, but that could prove troublesome on your part. It should’ve been handled by the gym’s office beforehand.

Another integral part of maintaining security is proper safety equipment and facilities like emergency exits, first aid kits, warning signs, emergency lighting, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire rated steel doors. With that in mind, employees should be trained in providing first aid, fire safety measures, and evacuation procedures.

When you go to check out a gym, observe how employees maintain sanitation. Look for existing safety and sanitation facilities, and take note of what’s lacking. Ask the manager how they maintain cleanliness and safety in their gym. A gym that prioritizes the safety of its customers will not hesitate to provide you with the information you need.

woman using a calculator


The second most crucial factor to consider is the cost. Considering many have lost jobs, the right gym should be considerate enough to offer affordable membership and personal training costs. High fees are no longer acceptable in today’s situation. However, if you can’t find a gym with low fees, here are some tips to help lower the costs.

First, don’t get trapped in long-term agreements. If you’re no longer happy with your gym membership, it’ll be harder to leave them because of the high cost you paid for.

Second, steer clear of extras. Gym sales staff are trained at convincing clients to sign up for extras that you often don’t need. Reject them at all costs.

Last, and probably the most important, sign up during discount seasons. January and September are often peak months. To avoid overcrowding, gyms offer discounted membership fees during these months.


Finally, consider a gym’s proximity and operating hours. In today’s pandemic, accessibility is crucial, and here’s why.

If a gym is close to your house, you can get there quickly. You don’t have to be exposed during your commute. This means that you’re aiming for safety and convenience. Besides, if a gym is too far from your home, you might not have the motivation to go there at all.

It’s also good to know what time a gym operates. This way, you can avoid crowds, and you know you can go there anytime you need to.

For safety purposes, however, you should know if your state requires wearing masks indoors. According to New York Times, some statesĀ require wearing masks indoors, while the policy applies only to non-vaccinated individuals in other states.

Do Your Research

Unfortunately, guys don’t do much research when searching for the right gym. Use your investigation skills if you really want to pick a good gym that can help meet your needs. Searching for the right gym means being upfront about your goals. Take notes and ask the right questions. Apply these skills and use the tips above, and you will indeed find what you need.

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