large pool

What to Know Before You Dive Into the Pool Project

Owning a pool sounds cool. It makes relaxation and fun readily accessible inside the home. Nothing beats having an instant get-away just in the backyard or even right inside the house. But is this enough reason for you to build your own?

That would depend on so many factors. You don’t want to regret it in the end; it will spoil the fun of having the pool. So, be realistic. Consider all that needs to be thought out. It will need commitment, so brace yourself if this is your very goal.

Here are some things that you need to know before you dive into the pool project and call a custom home builder:

The Cost

It depends on what kind of pool you want to be installed—above-ground or in-ground—size, design, climate, and frequency of use. As per Home Guide, the average cost for the installation would be $22,191. Homeowners will most likely spend from  $14,925 to $29,988.

Above-ground pool installation will usually be priced between $1,850 to $4,977. The most basic without the filtration equipment will just cost up to $1,000. On the other hand, installing an in-ground pool is much more expensive, ranging from $28,000 to $55,000.

However, the costs don’t just stop in the building process. Ongoing costs include chemicals, opening and closing, maintenance, equipment, and utilities. Chemicals’ expenses would run between $50 and $100.

If done by a professional rather than DIY, opening and closing can cost between $100 and $350. The pool’s interior finishes, such as vinyl liners, concrete paint, and plaster finish, will also need to be maintained.

You will also have to keep the equipment running, such as pumps. Utilities will increase during the opening season, especially heated pools, as they require more energy.

Repair costs will have to be taken into account too. The most common damages will be concrete leaks, cover or liner tears, and clogged lines. Having a professional repair of those problems will cost you from $200 to $3,500.

High insurance rates will be a part of building a pool. Invited or not, all responsibilities lie on your shoulders, which is why pools are called an attractive nuisance, tempting children that in many cases lead to harm without supervision. Anyone who gets injured will make you pay for legal and medical expenses.

Type, Size, Shape

If you’re up for committing yourself, time, and money toward building and maintaining a pool, make sure to ask all your household members, even the kids, and see what they want. Be sure to know who votes and who doesn’t over building a pool. Have them list their reasons and any opinion down.

What type of pool do you want? There are two major types—above ground and in-ground. Above-ground pools will cost less as there isn’t a need to dig up the yard, although they don’t last that long compared to the other. The depth and shape will be limited too.

In-ground, on the other hand, gives you more options, just that they can get pricey. They can last for many decades if they’re just maintained regularly. However, it might be very difficult to remove it.

Another consideration is the size. It should be according to what everyone needs—neither too large, small, deep, or shallow. This is what most homeowners usually regret.

With size comes the slope and access. When the requirements aren’t met, you will face difficulties that can make the installation more expensive than it is. Excavation equipment themselves will need an access path from 6 to 10 feet in width.

Homeowners with vast land have more options regarding the size and shape they want for their pool. Those with smaller lots might have to get more creative—there will be a lot of compromises to make.


How frequent will you be using the pool? What’s your purpose for installing one? Make sure to see if you’d be good just using the local pool like in a gym, club, or YMCA if you love to relax through swimming.

If your reason for installing one is to increase the value of your home, be aware that it’s not guaranteed by just having a pool. Perhaps, it’s the instant fun you’re looking for, but know that maintenance is not for everyone.

Make sure you plan to stay for long in one location so that you can continually benefit from the pool. Safety is one huge thing to consider aside from the aesthetics, including that of children, pets, and wildlife.

Embrace Commitment

It’s fun having a pool in your home, but it would mean commitment too. Make sure that you’re ready for that.

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