water bill

Six Ways You Can Save on Your Electricity Bill in Winter

Many people look forward to winter because they look forward to having some fun playing in the snow. But the season is more than just fun and games since you’ll have to deal with a higher electricity bill. You should have noticed this by now and may have a love-hate relationship with this time of year. But you can avoid this unwanted spike in electricity bills by following a few simple tips:

1. Turn off, Unplug, or Upgrade

This tip is not limited to winter since following it allows you to save on electricity bills the entire year. It’s quite a simple and understandable tip. Everybody knows this tip but may need some prodding to practice it.

Turn off the lights in a room if no one is staying in it. Turn off the television and unplug it if no one is using it. Turn off and unplug the sound system if no one is listening to music. If you find it tedious to unplug all appliances and electronics in a room, you can plug them into a power strip to make it easier for you to unplug them in one go.

If possible, you can replace old appliances and electronics with newer models. These newer models are energy-efficient. Just look for models with the Energy Star labels since these appliances allow you to maximize energy savings. Additionally, they are also eco-friendly.

2. Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you’re still using a manual thermostat, it may be time for you to upgrade and get a smart programmable thermostat. These devices can learn your temperature preference and automatically adjust the temperature of the house accordingly.

Some models even allow you to control the temperature using your smartphone. If no one is in the house, it can go into low-power standby mode. Moreover, manufacturers normally send software updates to ensure that these devices always have the best energy-saving features.

3. Take Advantage of the Sun

The sun is your best source of free energy. To take full advantage of this, you should make sure that your windows are clean. You should also let sunlight in by opening the curtains and drapes during the day. Letting the sunlight in increases the temperature by a few degrees, and you won’t also have to turn the lights on during the day.

But when the night falls, you can close the curtains and drapes to retain the heat absorbed during the day. Your curtains and drapes also act as additional installation from the cold outside.

4. Clean Your Refrigerator

You may have an old container that’s been sitting at the back of the fridge since spring. Well, you should check it and get rid of it if you’re not planning to consume it anymore. Removing items inside the refrigerator allows the appliance to use less energy.

Making sure that the condenser coils are clean also allows your refrigerator to work efficiently. This means that you should remove any accumulated dust and even pet hair to allow air to flow freely.

You should also check if the refrigerator is set at the right temperature. If the refrigerator is too cold, it will reflect on your electricity bills. You can check the recommended temperature set by the refrigerator manufacturer.

5. Adjust Your Water Heater

water heater test

A long, hot shower is a great way to end the day during winter. While this isn’t unavoidable, you may want to adjust the temperature of the water heater. Some manufacturers have a default 140-degree-Fahrenheit temperature for their products. But this temperature increases your risk of getting scalded even if you use temperature-regulating devices.

With this in mind, you can set the temperature at 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature is safe for most people. It is also enough to slow down corrosion and mineral buildup in the pipes.

6. Maximize Your Home’s Insulation

Heating is the biggest contributor to your electricity bill during winter. While this is necessary, you can reduce this cost by making sure that your home is well-insulated. You should check if there are any gaps in the insulation of the home and make sure to cover all these gaps.

Some places you should check are the water pipes and heater. Make sure that the heater has an insulating jacket, especially if it’s located in an uninsulated part of the house. You can also insulate your outlets by using foam gasket covers. These gaskets prevent cool air from entering your home.

You should also check your windows and doors. If you suspect a draft coming from the windows and doors, you should seal them using weather stripping. You can also replace their seals. Keeping them well-sealed prevents heat from escaping.

Following these tips allows you to save money and have a wonderful winter holiday.

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