wooden foundation of a house

A Millennial’s Guide to Owning a Home for the First Time

The sweet scent of adulting life down the long winding road of obstacles and challenges is indeed an inevitable part of our lives that makes us discover many epiphanies along the way. Finding your purpose in life mostly falls into this period of time, and it is when you live independently and professionally that it becomes of utmost priority.

That is why having a property of your own that you can call a home is a goal that trumps all others at this age. Finally, owning your own home is like winning a priceless trophy—except that you do not compete with anyone but yourself. Sure, living the millennial life to the fullest is indeed one way to invest your money and savings towards irreplaceable memories. But why not invest in something that is not just as meaningful and important as those memories but also a thousand times more tangible and beneficial in the long run?

But building a home is not quite as fun and easy as it sounds. You would have to consider a lot of things beforehand and even afterward, such as:

Picking the right contractor.

Picking the right service provider that will essentially accommodate and cooperate with you during the construction time is highly important as they would be working with you for as long as you need them to be. Take time to find a reliable general contractor that will ensure you a hassle-free process and one that has a good reputation from their past clients. Building a home by yourself may seem like a more practical option, especially when you do not want to undergo financial constraints. Still, the repairs will definitely cost a lot more than just hiring a contractor to do the work for you.

Looking for the right materials.

If you are living in an area prone to natural disasters or in a place where there are a lot of factors that could affect your quality of living, then you should buy materials that will provide you with a well-constructed and sustainable home design. You could also opt to follow the environmental path and invest in the right materials for an eco-friendly home design, which would definitely help you save a lot of energy and electricity.

The willingness to go over the budget.

No matter how much you plan out your finances towards building your home, it will most probably cost even more than you would expect. Most of the time, the workers will cast up additional fees for minor or even major fixes. You might also overlook the costs of the likes of fences and landscaping. You must also be financially prepared for any looming taxes, settlement, and finishing costs when your home is close to finishing. Sure, it is truly ideal for you to stick to your budget, but it is always better to be safe over the budget than be complacent with your initial budgeting plan.

Arrangements with the authorities.

Before building your dream home, you must seek legal approval and permits beforehand to avoid any disputes that might affect your house’s construction. You need to make sure not to disobey any rules and regulations regarding the construction of properties in the area you wish your home would be, or you could be demanded to stop or remove your property. Doing so may also help you discover if your property would be eligible for funding or grant, especially for the construction of environmentally sustainable homes.

couple buying home

Home layout and overall design.

If you want to stick to the appearance of your dream home but would not want to overcomplicate the budget and construction process, consider keeping your house layout as simple as possible and not go too overboard with designing it in the meantime. You can always leave room for future projects later on when you are again financially ready to do so. You might also want to consider investing in your exterior design, as it will definitely complete the overall feel of your home. Correct and pleasing lightings are also very important, and also one factor that should never be overlooked.

Having a home built at a young age is never easy, but it is always a wonderful experience, especially when you have dreamt of owning one for so long. Being a millennial in this generation means being able to live through the hustle and bustle of life and emerge independently and successfully—and building a home is definitely one way to do it. A little planning, effort, and time truly go a long way!

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