Barbecue Party

Things that Ruin Your Backyard Barbecue Party

How long has it been since you last saw your family and friends? Now that 2021 is starting to look up thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines, you might finally be able to hold that long-awaited reunion in the safety of your backyard. After all, there’s nothing like fresh air, grilled food, and lots of laughter to compensate for the months you spent apart. And since this is so meaningful to all of you, you must do everything in your power to avoid messing it up.

If you think that hosting a backyard barbecue party is something you can’t possibly get wrong, then think again. You’ll be surprised at how one wrong decision after another can ruin your reunion and make you rethink hosting one anytime soon.

You Underestimated the Prep Time

Hosting this house party seems simple enough until the guests are about to arrive and you realize how many things you haven’t done yet. This could be something as simple as seasoning the meat and washing the vegetables to setting up the tables and figuring out how your new grill works. One of the worst things that can happen is for your guests to arrive ready for a good time, and you’re not even halfway through all the barbecue you’re supposed to serve.

The best way to go about this is to list everything that needs to be done and schedule them. This should make all the shopping, seasoning, and setting up more manageable and efficient.

You’re Not Taking Precautionary Measures

This one is specifically for your grill. If you haven’t experienced any accidents because of it, now is not the time to take chances.

First things first: when was the last time you inspected and maintained it? Is it still operating well, or do you need to make replacements to ensure that it won’t cause problems while you’re grilling? Opt for top-quality materials like Lynx BBQ parts to get the best value for your money.

How about safety measures? Make sure that your grill is 10 to 15 feet away from your house. Remove wooden overhangs above it to prevent it from catching fire. In case there will be children at the party, set up a perimeter around the grill. This should help the adults keep them from burn accidents and the like.

You Leave Food Under the Sunshine

Bear in mind that leaving food out for too long can cause it to spoil quickly. Under the sun, that speed is nearly doubled. It would be a shame to have your reunion end up in food poisoning.

You might not be aware of it, but perishables that have been served at room temperature for two hours are no longer safe. To avoid this, bring out the food one serving at a time. It’s troublesome to keep going back to the kitchen for more, but that’s better than accidentally causing your loved ones to fall sick.

Barbecue Party

You’re Giving Them Too Many Options

When it comes to barbecue parties, the simpler, the better. This means trimming your menu to the bare essentials and keeping a good supply of them.

Stick with the popular options and avoid anything that needs preparing, like smoothies and fresh juice, especially if you’re hosting a crowd of fifty. Remember that you will have to balance this with grilling and making sure that the food leaves the kitchen promptly. You’ll also be socializing because, well, that’s the point, right? It’ll be impossible to balance all of those and still have fun, so you might as well be as practical as possible with your menu.

You Haven’t Considered Dietary Restrictions

You think you know your friends and family well enough to ignore this bit, but the truth is, you don’t. If you haven’t been keeping up with everybody’s lives as of late, you might’ve missed out on social media announcements about somebody going vegan or getting rushed to the emergency room for an allergic reaction. There’s also the new health trend that you should watch out for, as more and more people are watching their cholesterol, sugar, and overall calorie intake due to doctor’s recommendations. So many things can happen in a year, which is why making sure that you’re catering to everybody’s dietary restrictions is a must. This will guarantee that everybody will actually enjoy the food and the celebration.

It Won’t Be Perfect

There’s no such thing as the perfect barbecue party. Someone will want to order pizza all of a sudden, and the kids may start fighting over trivial matters. Control what you can and be satisfied with the effort you exert. Above all, enjoy your reunion. You’ve waited a long time for this, and you deserve all the fun it brings.

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