Productive Ways to Battle Cabin Fever

It has been almost a year since our governments forced us to stay home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We have been cocooned for months, with what we thought would have lasted for only a couple of weeks. Many of us have had cabin fever, as we are forced to physically distance ourselves from our loved ones during the pandemic.

Cabin fever is the cycle of negative emotions individuals feel as a result of isolation. Different people have different symptoms. Symptoms may include restlessness, impatience, a lack of focus, lethargy, persistent sadness, weight changes, and loss of motivation.

It’s not easy to deal with cabin fever. Yet, we can use this time of isolation to improve ourselves. Here’s how you can use the opportunity presented by boredom and cabin fever into something more productive.

Maintain a routine

Working from home can be a blessing or a curse. For some, working from home provides flexibility, which allows them to have more time to spend with family and other pursuits. For others, working from home causes a lack of boundaries between their private and professional lives.

It is harder to manage your time, especially if you spend most of your day in just one place. Create a schedule of how you want to spend your workdays and weekends. You can incorporate your work milestones, breaks, downtimes, and house projects into your schedule. Maintaining a routine helps you keep track of your accomplishments for the day.

Own your space

Updating your personal space offers many benefits. You’ll need a contractor for major home renovations and home appliance repairs, but there are other things you can do to get your space up a notch.

Getting rid of clutter will help you feel more productive as you work from home. Workspace upgrades like ergonomic chairs and work tables can also help you work in your best shape. Others buy new furniture to make their work and personal spaces more distinct from one another.

Learn new things

Were you once interested in learning a new skill? Whether it be cooking, painting, or learning a new language, your time at home is an excellent opportunity for you to pursue things you used to be so busy for.

Use this time in isolation to get in touch with your creative side. Revving your mental skills will help you fight cognitive decline. Moreover, keeping your mind occupied can help get rid of feelings of boredom and anxiety.


It’s time to do a quick stretch! Lounging can be an enticing activity, but your body needs exercise, too. Exercise is essential, especially as we have not been doing a lot of walking and other physical activities while at home.

Exercising helps boost the body’s immune system. Studies show that physical activities like exercise lower our body’s cortisol levels or our stress hormones. Exercising also releases endorphins or neurochemicals that help boost our mood and well-being.

Going to the gym may not be the best option for now. If you need a space to do your activities, you can go to a nearby park to do your exercise. Or you can go out for a quick walk and breathe some fresh air.

If you can’t risk going outside, you can do exercises at home. There are plenty of workout videos that you can do in the comfort of your home. You can also do strength training workouts with simple equipment like resistance bands and dumbbells.

Spark your social connections (virtually)

It is impossible to meet your friends these days. But you can still catch up with them––just not physically. We now have video conferencing services and various messaging apps that will keep us connected to our loved ones.

Connecting with your social circle can help you feel like you are not alone, even if you are in isolation. Be creative and invite your friends for a virtual game night or a karaoke night. The opportunities are limitless.

Embrace your “me time”

Although we spend so much time at home nowadays, we often forget the value of having a much-needed “me time.” Take some time to reflect and meditate. Take deep breaths and relax. If you feel stressed, you can listen to guided meditations online that will help you keep grounded. But if you need extra help, ask your therapist for an online session.

Having cabin fever is normal in this time of distance and isolation. But it is up to us to use this space to improve ourselves and our relationships with others.

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